I Studied Creative Writing and Now I’m Tired of Reading

After three crazy years I graduated from university with a degree in Creative and Professional Writing and now… I’m tired of reading.

Weekly reading, analysing every sentence and trying to turn fractured thoughts into some academic sounding discussion point for class has left me burnt out. After intense years of studying texts, how am I now meant to just pick up a book for fun? How can I just read for the sake of reading?

It’s been eight months since graduation and we’re four months into 2023 – I haven’t finished reading one book yet.

But what I’ve begun to understand is that this isn’t forever. I’ve learned is the importance of letting your mind feast on something else that isn’t words. Explore other hobbies and creative mediums.

Sometimes taking a step back and giving yourself a break is the best thing you can do. It’s important to remember that reading should be enjoyable, not a chore. Don’t force yourself to read if you’re not feeling it, and don’t feel guilty about taking a break. Your love for reading will come back in its own time, and in the meantime, enjoy exploring other hobbies and creative mediums.

So my fellow tired bookworms, don’t worry, your passion will come back one day.

The Art of a Hot Drink

There’s something to be said about sitting back and having a hot drink. Making tea or coffee is something we do every day, often when we’re half asleep in the morning or in a rush on our lunch breaks between classes or work. It’s so rare we sit down and enjoy the process of making a hot drink.

Tonight (or should I say this morning seeing as it’s 1am at the time of writing this) I made myself some herbal tea and sat down at my desk to journal. Why I felt compelled to write was beyond me, but after half an hour of composing my thoughts and silencing my mind I sat back in my chair and reached for my drink.

Continue reading “The Art of a Hot Drink”

21 bookish post ideas for 2021

This year I’ve decided not to take part in a yearly review of 2020. There’s going to be a lot of people saying how much they’ve achieved over the previous year. But I’m very aware so many others missed out on many of their yearly goals due to the pandemic. All things considered, 2020 was a good year for me but I’m not thinking going over why would be all that tasteful right now. For many, making it through 2020 was the biggest achievement for the year, something that should be celebrated as the past year has not been easy.

Instead of a yearly review I thought I’d be fun to keep things light-hearted and looking forward. I know many have entered this year tired and as a blogger I know I came into 2021 exhausted on the writing front. So, after some brainstorming (and some searching on Pinterest) I gathered 21 bookish post ideas to help us kickstart 2021. If you’re struggling for post ideas give these a read, there’ll be something you can draw inspiration from.

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My reading bucket list for the New Year

This year has been a bit of a mess for those of us who set yearly goals. When we were writing out new years resolutions none of us could have predicted what was to come. I don’t know about you, but I’ve completed less than half my goals because many of them, like doing a 10K charity run, simply couldn’t happen due to safety concerns.

This got me thinking when it came to plan my goals for 2021 and what type of goals would be even feasible with the current state of the world. Then there was the question of are goals even the right thing to me making for the new year, can my mental heath handle that added pressure? After a bit of thinking and talking to those who know me the best, I’ve decided to set as little goals as possible and instead create bucket lists of things I’d like to do next year. Sure, there will be some goals being made, I’ll still have financial ones, business ones and even an updated Goodreads challenge, but there won’t be many. Life is too unpredictable right now for big set targets.

The idea is that bucket lists take off some pressure that a goal would do but still gives me some form of direction for the year. They also feel far more exciting and intimate than a big end of year goal. I’ll also get more satisfaction by crossing off many small activities over the year, I think that will help keep me motivated.

So, in the name of all thing bookish I’m going to share with you my reading bucket lists for 2021. I’ll still be doing the Goodreads challenge throughout the year, but I haven’t decided if I want to aim for 25 or 30 books this year, I struggled enough with 20 this year.

Continue reading “My reading bucket list for the New Year”