I Studied Creative Writing and Now I’m Tired of Reading

After three crazy years I graduated from university with a degree in Creative and Professional Writing and now… I’m tired of reading.

Weekly reading, analysing every sentence and trying to turn fractured thoughts into some academic sounding discussion point for class has left me burnt out. After intense years of studying texts, how am I now meant to just pick up a book for fun? How can I just read for the sake of reading?

It’s been eight months since graduation and we’re four months into 2023 – I haven’t finished reading one book yet.

But what I’ve begun to understand is that this isn’t forever. I’ve learned is the importance of letting your mind feast on something else that isn’t words. Explore other hobbies and creative mediums.

Sometimes taking a step back and giving yourself a break is the best thing you can do. It’s important to remember that reading should be enjoyable, not a chore. Don’t force yourself to read if you’re not feeling it, and don’t feel guilty about taking a break. Your love for reading will come back in its own time, and in the meantime, enjoy exploring other hobbies and creative mediums.

So my fellow tired bookworms, don’t worry, your passion will come back one day.

3 thoughts on “I Studied Creative Writing and Now I’m Tired of Reading

  1. At one point in my early teens, I had dreams of being a video game designer. (Back then, there weren’t specialized university programs for that kind of thing; video games weren’t nearly as mainstream as they are now.) Half of the reason I never went through with that was because of the kind of thing you’re going through; I didn’t want my hobby to become work to the point that I’d get tired of it and burned out with it.

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  2. Sometimes we just need to take a break. Or read something different. Try a different type of story. If you’ve burned out of fiction, try some non-fiction on a topic that interests you or you’d like to learn more about. Or just take a real break from all reading for a while. That’s perfectly ok to do.


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